VM75 Valentino Golf III, Bloq 4, Flr 1, Nº 92, Calle Luisa Fernanda, Orihuela Costa
Important Emergency Numbers
Torrevieja: +34 965 721 200
Quironsalud, Torrevieja: +34 966 931 313
Emergency number: 112
Health centre: +34 966 748 353
Taxi: +34 966 761 088
Farmacia : The nearest to you is Farmacia Ainhoa in La Fuente Commerical Center or next to Dial Prix in Los Dolses Commercial Center.
Or identifiable with a Green Cross outside: in most commercial centres.
General Rules
- Smoking is NOT allowed in the property or ON the compex.
- Pets are not permitted in the property.
- Do not use candles, table BBQs, fire pits etc .
- Always Turn off the air conditioning lock the front door and close the windows when leaving the property.
- Enjoy your Vacation.
For your own comfort and peace of mind please ensure that when leaving your villa that all windows are closed, shutters are left down, and all doors are closed.
When leaving your apartment on day of DEPARTURE please leave the set of keys on the table and close the door firmly behind you.
Any keys lost would result in you being charged for having a new set of keys cut and any necessary call out fees.
Alarm System
- To deactivate the alarm, place the alarm fob over the star in the middle of the alarm box and the light turns green. This indicates he alarm is off.
- To activate the alarm, press the top left hand button and it starts to beep. Leave the apartment straight away.
- Please note that the airconditioning is a central unit which controls all of the apartment.
How to operate using the central control panel:
- Tap on the Start/Stop button.
- The screen shows the different modes options. Click for which you require.
- Heat (Sun)
- Cool (Snowflake)
- Use the arrows to select the best temperature.
- The minimum temperature for Cold recommended is 20º.
- The maximum temperature for Hot recommended is 26º.
- Windows and doors MUST be closed to achieve the best results from the air conditioning machine.
- Allow 15 minute for the machine to activate.
- Please switch off the air conditioning when leaving the property.
Airzone (located beside the mirror in the hallway)
Press the on/off switch to activate the system (bottom of the right hand control panel).
Press the left hand button to open up the control panel, you will find each room listed in different zones. Zone 1 is the dining room.
Select the Zone and adjust the temperature using the right hand buttons. If you want all zones doing the same press “All Zones”. The temperature can only be 2º lower than the main temperature.
- Inside the front door entrance is a plastic door which contains the fuse box.
- If a fuse is blown, try resetting the master fuse.
- If this does not work: –
- Put all fuses slowly into the down/off position.
- Leave for 5 minutes.
- Turn on the master switch.
- Turn them all on slowly one by one at a time.
- If an individual fuse blows the main circuit, leave switched off and notify the emergency number 0034 666290575.
- To avoid ants please where possible keep foods in containers or bags.
- Empty rubbish bins nightly to prevent any unwanted ants in your property
- It is advisable to use a repellent especially at night.
- If you require the windows open at night due to the heat. Please ensure that you have the shutters down as this will allow the air to circulate and keep the room at a comfortable temperature whilst keeping the Mosquitos at bay.
The television is a Smart TV .
Fire Safety
- In the kitchen there is a fire blanket and fire extinguisher.
- There is a smoke detector on the ceiling near the kitchen area. If there is a constant beeping. Please call the office on 0034 965290575 (Monday to Friday 09:30 to 16:00) to arrange for the battery to be changed.
Washing Machine
- Select Rapido wash on the large dial.
- Press right hand button Inicio in to start the washing machine.
- When the wash is finished, remove washing, and close the washing machine door.
Tumble Dryer
- Ensure the filter is emptied after each load. This is located at the bottom of the drum.
- To operate the oven :-
- Select the left hand button for the relevant heating section off the oven
- Select the right hand button for the temperature.
- Select the time button to activate the oven.
- Extractor fan is switched on by the switch by the unit.
- To operate:-
- To unlock the hob press the lock symbol for a few seconds until it goes beep.
- Select the hob plate you wish to use and adjust temperature with the + or – buttons
Sofas and chairs on terraces.
- Ensure the cushions are not left outside on departure, they should be put into the cushion box on departure or when raining,
- The chairs must not be removed from the villa.
Swimming Pool
- Especially and in addition to the rules:
- Use shower every time before entering the pool. Long hair must be tied back in a pony tail.
- No ball games, no dive bombing, nor jumping .
- Children under 14 years of age who can not swim and all children under 10 years old MUST be accompanied by an adult.
- No food allowed to be taken to the pool area.
- No glasses or glass bottles.
- No animals.
- Babies and toddlers MUST wear appropriate swimming nappies.
- Do NOT use shower gel in the outside shower.
- Take all rubbish to the large rubbish containers in the streets around the property.
- Ensure the rubbish is put into the rubbish containers and not in the actual street.
General Community Rules
- Please remember to close the pedestrian gates and main doors to the buildings quietly.
- Please respect your neighbours and keep the noise to a minimum especially when leaving or arriving early in the morning or late at night. Loud music must stop by 11pm.
- Please do not put towels, laundry items, carpets etc over balcony walls. Airers are provided.